Tuesday 10 February 2009

Steel Drumming Workshop!

Hi again

We haven't written on our blog for a while, but we now have some interesting news to tell you about.

Today we have had a steel band called 'Boil Up Tropical' come into teach us how to play the steel drums. John was from St. Kitts and Sophia was from Jamaica in the Caribbean. First of all, they did a demonstration to the whole school - we all got up and danced! Then our class all had a go on our own. We learnt how to play different tunes like 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' and 'Everything I Do'. We found out that you don't need to hit the drum very hard to make a good sound, and that you don't need to hold the malletts hard. The notes are made by different sized dents in the drum and they don't go up in order.

We all really enjoyed our morning and we can see why this type of music is so popular in the Caribbean.

Also, last week we tasted lots of different tropical fruits like pineapple, mango and papaya. Most of us really liked all them. As well as this we have learnt about how bananas are grown in St. Lucia and read and performed lots of Caribbean poetry.

Stick insect update!! We now have five and they are growing very quickly!

We will write again soon

Class 2